Category: Leaving Cert
How to get a H1 in Maths?
Undoubtedly, Maths is the toughest subject in the Leaving Certificate. And getting the H1 is even tougher, but not impossible. In this article I will share with you the tricks of the trade of getting the top grade in this… Continue reading
How to get a H1 in Chemistry
Chemistry is a tough subject. There are a lot of components to the exam, which makes knowing all of them inside-out extremely challenging. But not impossible, In this article I will share how I got a H1 in Chemistry in… Continue reading
How to be best prepared for the mocks?
The mocks are fast approaching, and I’m sure most of you are feeling extremely overwhelmed. Christmas break is over. Schools have begun, and new content is coming your way, while you haven’t revised the old stuff. To help you a… Continue reading
What are the Best study resources for the Leaving Certificate?
The Leaving Certificate is a long 2-year journey. It’s difficult. But there are tons of study resources online that can help with the journey, and make it easier for you to achieve the top results. In this article, I will… Continue reading
How to get a H1 in English in the Leaving Certificate
English is a very tough subject. And it is one of the hardest subjects to get an H1 in. Only 6.9% of students who sat the higher level English paper in 2024 secured the top mark. That goes to show… Continue reading
How To Study Effectively For The Leaving Certificate
I used a variety of study techniques throughout my Leaving Cert to help me progress quicker, be more productive and avoid procrastination. Many people believe this to be difficult, but in reality, it can be very simple if you take… Continue reading
How to get a H1 in every subject in the Leaving Certificate?
The mentality of the majority of Leaving Cert students is that there is a direct correlation between how much they study and how many points they will achieve. If all getting an H1 required was more study, life would be… Continue reading
How to get 625 points in the Leaving Certificate?
The leaving Certificate is difficult. It will definitely be one of the toughest things you will ever do. And getting 625 points is a feat not many achieve. It’s just really difficult. But not impossible. In this article, I will… Continue reading