
You are your own problem.

How many times have you put off work because you’re ‘tired’? Or have spent more time than you are proud of on social media, just scrolling through random stuff that is useless? Or fixating on a little thing someone said to you 2 weeks ago? I don’t know about you, but I am guilty of all of these.

Productivity isn’t about maximising every minute of the day. It’s about focusing your brain to un-focus itself from the useless clutter in our life. You’re not tired, you’re demotivated. The person posing in front of the Eiffel tower in your FYP isn’t happier than you are, it’s just for show. The ‘he said she said’ is irrelevant, full stop.

The below articles will not make you Elon Musk. You will not magically start working 100+ hours a week. And you most certainly will not become the ‘best version’ of yourself immediately (that doesn’t exist). But (hopefully) these articles will intrigue you. Intrigue you to a point where, even momentarily, all the useless clutter in your mind disappears.

If these articles are able to do that, I’d say its a job well done. So, get reading.


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